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Speaking to a Sniper about Guns

Who you’re talking to dictates what you say. Review our Communication Styles if you haven’t already. And remember: These examples show communication skills, and do not indicate correct or incorrect viewpoints.

Choose the communication style of the person you’re speaking to:

If you hear them say…

“I bet our family gun enthusiast wants teachers to carry guns in school, too.”

👍 Try this…

“I think there are a lot of ways we could make schools safer for kids. I’m happy to talk with you more about it later.”

  • Snipers want to get a rise, often in front of others. Offer to have the discussion at a different time, and not in front of an audience.
👎 Avoid this…

“I guess I’ll know who to blame when there’s another school shooting.”

  • Don’t use insults to make your point.

If you hear them say…

“Your elite college degree didn’t teach you much about the Constitution, did it?”

👍 Try this…

“Is there a point you’re trying to make?”

  • Snipers often aren’t looking for meaningful engagement. Put the ball back in their court.
👎 Avoid this…

“Which Republican gun fanatic did you get your education from?”

  • Don’t take the bait and counterattack in kind.

If you hear them say…

“Are you going to get ‘God, guns and country’ tattooed on your arm now?”

👍 Try this…

“You know how I feel about needles. Pass the wine, ok?”

  • Use humor to disarm your Sniper. If you want to have a serious conversation, follow it up with an invitation to talk in private.
👎 Avoid this…

“Only if you’re getting ‘snowflake’ tattooed on yours.”

  • Don’t try to out-Sniper a Sniper.

Additional communication styles...